So here we have a less than glamorous photo of a less than glamorous self-portrait done in charcoal for an assignment in a class this semester.
Charcoal is my favorite traditional media, and the only one I am comfortable enough with to feel like I can always get the result I really wanted.
The photo I used as reference for this was taken during one of my bouts of really hardcore insomnia, which I have suffered since I was maybe eleven years old. Ironically, I ended up doing about 75% of the work on this piece during a night of insomnia as well.
The portrait was well-received in critique by my classmates and instructor, earned an A+, and was requested for display at the school. It ended up not going on display when I couldn't make it in to campus the day they needed it for hanging.
Yes, my eyes are that crazy.
Media used: Alphacolor CHAR-KOLE sticks, General's charcoal 2B/4B/6B pencils, Winsor & Newton extra soft vine charcoal, blending stump, kneaded eraser. Strathmore paper, will have to check what lb.
Dimensions: N/A